


Monday, October 25

1:00 - 8:00 PM

Room: Marquis Registration Booth

2:00 - 4:00 PM

Preconference Workshop

Work Smarter Not Harder: Automating Your New-Client Funnel with Hubly

Ron Gorodetsky, Hubly

Room: M301-M302
Track: Technical
CE Credits: N/A

Do you want to automate your new-client funnel so that you are able to onboard more clients by working smarter, not harder? No one enjoys spending their valuable time on repetitive admin tasks — such as rekeying basic client information, gathering documents, setting reminders, writing emails, and constantly updating data across multiple platforms. Join us to learn how to leverage the power of automation in Hubly to make your work flow and never miss a single task. Hubly’s COO and Co-Founder, Ron Gorodetsky, will be leading an engaging workshop to teach you how to:

  1. Automatically start the client onboarding process in Hubly
  2. Categorize clients without lifting a finger
  3. Track collection of client documents
  4. Set smart reminders to stay on top of your new client tasks and important to do's
  5. Utilize Hubly with scheduling apps, such as Calendly, to automatically record meeting dates 
This workshop is available to both current Hubly users and those interested in learning how to use its workflows to onboard more clients without ever missing a single task. You will need to bring a laptop to this workshop.

**additional registration required**
Register Here

7:00 - 10:00 PM
Welcome Reception
Room: Marquis C-D

Tuesday, October 26

8:00 - 9:00 AM

Marquis C-D

9:00 - 10:30 AM

Opening Comments and Featured Speaker

Financial Therapy 101
Kristy Archuleta, University of Georgia

Room: Marquis A-B
Track: Practice Management
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE Credit - General Financial Planning Principles; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Financial Planning Process; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

More Info

10:30 - 11:00 AM

Break with Sponsors
Room: Marquis C-D

11:00 - 11:50 AM

Breakout Sessions

Marketing Success: The ACP Way

Marie Swift, Impact Communications

Room: Marquis A-B
Track: Practice Management
CE Credits: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Communications and Marketing

Join ACP’s marketing coaches, Marie Swift and Jonny Swift from Impact Communications, as they share ideas for: Creating a strong and vibrant online presence - How ACP members are using social media - Digital marketing and other strategies to build business - Looking and sounding your best on camera and at the mic.

Tax Management the Dimensional Way

Anthony Caruso, Dimensional Fund Advisors

Room: International 4-5
Track: Technical
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE Credit - Investment Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Investments; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

As both tax management and the evolution of investment vehicles change, Dimensional’s robust offering of innovative mutual funds, ETF’s and separately managed accounts are often designed to maximize the after-tax returns of the investment objective. Please join Anthony Caruso, Investment Strategist at Dimensional for this informative breakout session where he will cover his firm’s evolution in the area of tax management, where it launched its first products designed around after-tax returns nearly 25 years ago.

The Fundamental Dos and Do Nots of Insurance
Jerry Skapyak, LLIS

Room: International 6-7
Track: Practice Management
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE Credit - Risk Management and Insurance Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Insurance and Risk Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

There are many insurance solutions that LLIS recommends for fee-only financial advisors and their clients. This presentation will cover the common dos and do nots in life insurance, Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi), and disability insurance (DI). We'll provide you with real cases to illustrate how risk can be avoided.

12:00 - 1:30 PM

Lunch and Dessert with Sponsors
Marquis C-D

1:30 - 2:20 PM

Breakout Sessions

A New Look at Reverse Mortgages: An Emerging Retirement Income Tool
Jerry Auippa, Longbridge Financial

Room: International 6-7
Track: Technical
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE Credit - Retirement Savings and Income Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

Elderly homeowners own more than $8 trillion in home equity and many are struggling with a financial plan that fully funds their lifetime expenses. Financial advisors, however, overlook this hidden wealth. Why? In this 50-minute presentation, we take a deep dive into the FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) and new attractive and low cost proprietary products to understand how it can improve the retirement plans of clients, protect against longevity risk, be optimized to fit with client goals, and do so in an ethical and compliant manner. Home equity is one of the largest sources of assets for clients, and reverse mortgages can unlock this hidden wealth in a safe and standardized manner. With new best-interest and compliance standards for financial advisors, the value of considering home equity in the planning process is growing.

I’m Protecting and Providing for My Son—Stretching an IRA with a “Give It Twice” Testamentary Charitable Remainder Unitrust Plus...Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Kathleen Rehl, Rehl Wealth Collaborations

Room: Marquis A-B
Track: Technical
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE Credit - Estate Planning; 1 IRS CE Credit - Federal Tax Law; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

The SECURE Act signed into law in 2019 contained a provision that caught planners’ attention—the elimination of the “stretch” IRA for most non-spouse beneficiaries. Did the loss of this commonly used tax-advantageous estate planning practice impact your clients? This session presents a winning solution that can benefit clients, their beneficiaries, and cherished charities.

Value vs. Growth: It’s Different This Time…Or Not
Steve Huxley, Brent Burns, Asset Dedication

International 4-5
CE Credits:
1 CFP CE Credit - Investment Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Investments; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

The classic debate over value versus growth never seems to go away. Because returns behave as random variables – like flipping a coin - value wins sometimes, growth wins sometimes. If the coin is fair, one would expect a 50-50 split over a number of trials. But what would be the expected sequence of heads versus tails? If someone claimed they flipped a coin 20 times and reports HHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTT, it would be suspicious because there are too few runs. On the other hand, HTHTHTHTHTHTHTHTHTHT would be too many runs. Statistical tests exist to determine the expected value of the number of runs (even for unfair coins) and the variability around this expected value. Annual returns from 1927-2020 provide the equivalent of 94 flips between value and growth. Applying the theory of runs sheds light on the classic debate.

2:35 - 3:05 PM

Gold Sponsor Solution Sessions

How The Unpredictability of Healthcare Costs Can Help You Build Stronger Relationships with Clients

Christine Simone and Cindi Gatton, Caribou

Room: International 6-7
Track: Practice Management
CE Credits: N/A

How to 10X Your Client Referrals by Becoming the Financial Advisor Everybody Wants

Louis Retief, Hubly

Room: Marquis A-B
Track: Technical
CE Credits: N/A

Join Louis Retief for a discussion on how to deliver personalized services to meet each of your client's unique needs to keep the spark alive and drive referrals without increasing your workload. These easy-to-follow strategies will incorporate learnings directly from the CFP curriculum to help you provide a proactive and personalized service and to become the financial advisor that your clients have always dreamt of.

What's Fee-sible? What Almost 1,000 Firms are Doing for Billing and Fees and How Advyzon Can Help Automate Your Billing
Charles Rowlan, Advyzon

Room: International 4-5
Track: Practice Management
CE Credits: N/A

Average daily balance, arrears, advance, pro-rated, ending balance, quarterly, monthly, flat fee, fee for service... we could go on about the many ways we talk about billing in financial services, and we have. We just completed an analysis of our nearly 1,000 clients to get a better hold on industry trends and we want to share the results with you and how they might help your bottom line and cash flow. Come learn more and see how Advyzon’s comprehensive web-based platform can help you with reporting, billing, CRM, document management, rebalancing, and branded client portals.

3:05 - 3:35 PM

Break with Sponsors
Marquis C-D

3:35 - 4:35 PM

ACP Annual Membership Meeting
Marquis A-B

5:00 - 6:00 PM

Under the Trees
Marquis A-B, International 4-7, L502

6:30 - 8:30 PM

Member Reception Sponsored by Dimensional Fund Advisors
A601/A602, Atrium Level

Wednesday, October 27

8:00 - 9:00 AM

Marquis C-D

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Featured Speaker

The Psychology of Money
Morgan Housel, The Collaborative Fund

Room: Marquis A-B
Track: Practice Management
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE Credit - Investment Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Investments; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

Risk is the most important topic in investing. But it is not simple or intuitive. In this talk, Morgan Housel shares four stories that show how we can think about risk in a more productive way that helps investors make better decisions for themselves and their clients.

More Info

10:00 - 10:30 AM

Break with Sponsors
Marquis C-D

10:30 - 11:20 AM

Breakout Sessions

Building a Garden of Ideal Clients
Frankie Corrado, Robertson Stephens

Marquis A-B
Track: Practice Management
CE Credits: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

In the garden of the ideal practice, the financial planner sows the seeds of their ideal plants (clients) and caringly grows and nurtures them. We all know of the concept of an ideal client, but how often are we mindfully planning, evolving, and executing on building more of these clients into our practices? For many of us, we either don’t have the time or enough business to warrant the consistent investment in this “theoretical direction." This session intends to challenge that notion and make the case for providing material, ongoing planning, and drive in this direction. We will review some real-world, actionable steps for planning and execution, along with some of the ways our team has taken to grow our “ideal client ratio.”

Guiding Principles: Lessons from Guiding Blind Triathletes

Caroline Gaynor, Avantis Investors

International 6-7
Practice Management
CE Credits:
1 CFP CE Credit - General Financial Planning Principles, 1 NAPFA CE Credit - General Financial Planning Principals, 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

In her TED Talk-style presentation, Caroline Gaynor discusses her experience as a guide for blind triathletes and draws parallels between the guide/athlete relationship and the relationship between financial advisors and their clients. Advisors strive to help clients achieve their goals by acting as a trusted voice through stressful life changes and unexpected market turmoil, just as guides keep their athletes focused on the finish line in every race.

The Practical Application of the Bond Ladder: Functional Asset Allocation’s Deflation Hedge

John Dulmage, Financial Pathways

International 4-5
CE Credits:
1 CFP CE Credit - Investment Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Investments; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

Many members struggle with bond ladder details. The concept is clear but building a theoretical bond ladder is different than an actual ladder. As time allows, John Dulmage will address the following questions:
1. Is May or November better? Why?
2. Is principal or coupon better? Why?
3. How far out to use cash or CDs vs bonds?
4. What if their savings account pays better than both?
5. How to get the best quotes (exactly who to call besides the custodian)?
6. What to do with the rest of the fixed income allocation, i.e., bond funds/bullet shares?
7. Is there an alternative to the ladder?
8. When should alternatives be considered?

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Lunch with Board Members
Marquis C-D

1:00 - 1:50 PM

Breakout Sessions

Recent Regulatory Changes Impacting Your Firm
Lori Neidel, Law Office of Lori J. Neidel

Room: International 6-7
Track: Technical
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE Credit - Professional Conduct and Regulation; 1 IRS CE Credit - Federal Tax Law; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Insurance and Risk Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

This presentation will focus on recent regulatory and compliance changes in both the state and federal securities laws. The material will cover a status on the continued focus by state regulators on fee models, upcoming IAR continued education requirement, NASAA's new model compliance rule, and the new SEC Marketing rule.

Adding Value Through Active Tax Management and Direct Indexing: Cambridge Index Strategies
Bert Whitehead, ACP; Brent Burns and Stephen Huxley, Asset Dedication

Marquis A-B
CE Credits:
1 CFP CE Credit - Investment Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Investments; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

Since its low point on March 23, 2020, the Dow reached its record high on August 16, 2021, posting a gain of nearly 92% in about 16 months. Over the same period, the S&P 500 gained nearly 100% and the NASDAQ was up 116%. Such pretax gains are likely producing a lot of smiles among large-cap investors. These smiles may turn to frowns, however, when the Taxman cometh.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a reservoir of tax losses harvested from prior years to offset or at least mitigate the impact of these capital gains taxes? The Cambridge Index Strategy can provide investors with just such a reservoir. It is a direct indexing, large-cap momentum strategy comprising 50 well-known stocks. It takes advantage of the random moves that these stocks make, keeping those that have gone up during the year (“Bloomers”), and selling those that have gone down (“Losers”). It repeats this process every year, thereby refreshing itself on an annual basis and keeping it aligned with long-term trends as well as gathering in the new darlings of the market (think FAANG). If followed faithfully and wisely, it can help ordinary large cap returns bloom into remarkable after-tax returns over the long term.

Although the Cambridge Index Strategy has been around a few years, too few ACP members have taken advantage of what it has to offer, especially for clients in wealthier brackets. Learn how to use it and about a new, more aggressive form of tax-loss harvesting.

Nuts and Bolts of the Strategic Financial Review (Paid First Appointment)
Kelly Adams, Harbor Light Planning, Chip Simon, Taconic Advisors

International 4-5
Track: Practice Management
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE Credit - General Principals of Financial Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Financial Planning Process; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

The Strategic Financial Review (Paid First Appointment) is a great way to give new clients a taste of the ACP model (while you get paid), build your business, identify ideal clients, and train your staff. This session goes beyond the ACP Success Program materials and will take a deep dive into how two firms structure the meetings including application of software and client deliverables.

2:05 - 2:55 PM

Breakout Sessions

G1 to G2 Generational Divides: Panel Discussion on How Two Firms Have Communicated Through Differences in Opinions
Alicia Klein and Penny Marchand, Cambridge Financial Group, Jim Davis and Mark Bowes, Partnership Financial

Room: Marquis A-B
Track: G2
CE Credits: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management

Jim Davis and Penny Marchand – along with their employees Alicia Klein and Mark Bowes – share their experiences of running an intergenerational firm. They explore the challenges and successes that come from having, at times, vastly different generational viewpoints and how recognizing these differences have helped them build better businesses and serve clients well.

Using Technology to Prepare for the Next Downturn or Rally
Tim Caban, Copper Beech Advisors; Cole McClarren, Cambridge Financial Group

Room: International 4-5
Track: Technical
CE Credits: 1 CFP CE Credit - Investment Planning; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Technology; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

Last year, we faced a bear market that descended upon investors with remarkable speed. In the span of just over a month, the S&P 500 declined 34 percent from its recent high. This was an opportune time as advisors to reach out to clients, recommend tax loss harvesting, and rebalance back into stocks. While this is a manageable task for advisors with relatively small practices, once they grow to a certain scale, it becomes difficult to assess portfolios, issue recommend trades to clients, and perform them on their behalf. Asset allocation needs to be considered as well as tax lots and wash sales. Moreover, trades need to be performed quickly and accurately over hundreds of accounts, in some cases. In this session, we will review the approaches and solutions of three different advisors with moderate to large practices and how their firms dealt with demands placed upon them by a rapidly declining (or rallying) market.

2:55 - 3:25 PM

Marquis Prefunction

3:25 - 4:15 PM

Breakout Sessions

Gaining Traction: Adopting the Entrepreneurial Operating System for Clarity, Accountability & Results
Adrianne Gordon, Davis Financial Planning

Room: Marquis A-B
Track: Practice Management
CE Credits: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

Running a business is not for the faint of heart. There are people issues to contend with, budgets to manage, big-picture decisions to make, and everyday fires to put out. EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System, provides a framework and tools that can bring clarity to roles and priorities, increase accountability, encourage your team to focus on solutions (instead of laying all of their problems at your feet) and support continued progress toward long term goals. Used by thousands of companies worldwide, this model aligns well with the financial planning industry. This session will provide an overview of the EOS model, its Visionary and Integrator leadership structure, and resources for implementing EOS in your firm.

Lessons Learned from the 2021 Advanced Planner Retreat

Jane Young, More Than Your Money

Room: International 4-5
Track: Practice Management
CE Credits: 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Marketing and Practice Management; 1 NASBA CPE Credit -  Specialized Knowledge

Highlights from ACP’s 2021 Advanced Planners Retreat, where seasoned advisors shared their experiences, knowledge, and wisdom on how to run a successful practice. Topics include lessons learned from COVID-19, running an efficient practice, maintaining excellent customer service as you grow, effective communication between founders and successor advisors, and metrics on profitability and compensation.

5:00 - 6:00 PM

Under The Trees
Marquis A-B, International 4-7, L502

5:00 - 6:00 PM

G2 Reception
Off Site

6:00 - 7:30 PM

All Conference Reception
Skyline North

Thursday, October 28

8:00 - 9:00 AM

Marquis C-D

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Featured Speaker

Applying the Tools of the Masters
Richard Kahler, First Financial Systems

Marquis A-B
Practice Management
CE Credits:
1 CFP CE Credit - General Financial Planning Principles; 1 NAPFA CE Credit - Strategic Thinking; 1 NASBA CPE Credit - Specialized Knowledge

With so many financial planning tools out there, it can be a challenge to find the best ones and put them into practice. In this workshop, Rick Kahler CFP®, CFT-I™, CeFT®, will discuss the exercises, forms, and techniques he uses with his own clients. He’ll cover which tools are most effective and how to best implement them. This is a fantastic introduction to some of the best exercises and tools for both new and existing clients.

More Info

10:00 - 10:15 AM

Closing Comments

Wes Stien, Chair, 2021/22 Conference Committee

Room: Marquis A-B